Here is one I did just for the fun of it.

First of all, I have named one of the stray kittens, already almost a full-size cat, “Bandit”. You will agree it is a perfect name for him, when you see him further down in this post.

I began with a photo of a pieris japonica and privet (the white-flowered shrub) in the garden.

Added texture layers. Later I used  filter > lighting effect in photoshop to highlight the center.

Edited the photo of Bandit and put him on a new layer of the pieris photo in photoshop.

I then decided to desaturate the image a bit for a more subtle, vintage feel. The final version was edited on my 4th generation iPod, using an iPhone camera software, where I vignetted the image even more.

LOVE the subtle glint in Bandit’s eye. Just enough of him shows, like he is hiding in the garden…which is exactly what he was doing. [Be sure you click on the image to enlarge it.]

I absolutely ADORE this image of Bandit in the garden!! He would be proud of me…if only he knew…

: )